The easiest way to experiment with self-driving AI
Simulator requirements
Python 3.6+
10GB disk space
Optional - baseline agent requirements
CUDA capable GPU (tested and developed on 970, 1070, and 1060's)
1.7 <= Tensorflow < 2.0 See Tensorflow install tips
Optional - Activate the Python conda env or virtualenv with Tensorflow installed, then
Note: If you use Anaconda (we recommend Miniconda) - only use
pip install
in your deepdrive conda environment, neverconda install
Synchronous forward-agent
Remote agent example - operates over the network using the deepdrive remote api
Mnet2 baseline agent
Record training data for imitation learning / behavioral cloning
Note that we recorded the baseline dataset in sync mode which is much slower than async mode. Async mode probably is fine to record in, we just haven't got around to trying it out for v3.
Optional: Convert to HDF5 files to tfrecords (for training MNET2)
Train on recorded data
Train on our dataset
Grab the dataset
Where <your-deepdrive-home>
below is by default in $HOME/Deepdrive
and can be configured in $HOME/.deepdrive/deepdrive_dir
Running unit tests
Key binds
Esc - Pause (Quit in Unreal Editor)
Enter - Pause with no menu
P - Pause in Unreal Editor
1 - Chase cam
2 - Orbit (side) cam
3 - Hood cam
4 - Free cam (use WASD to fly)
Space - Handbrake
Alt+Tab - Control other windows / Show mouse
` - Unreal console - do things like
stat FPS
M - Drive the car with the keyboard WASD - be sure sync is off - Also known issue: Only works in path-follower mode right now
Ctrl-number - Change sun position - works for 1 => 7
B - Show vehicle bounding boxes
N - Show vehicle collision boxes
Page Up - Next vehicle
Page Down - Prev vehicle
Observation data
All values returned in the observation keep Unreal conventions, specifically
All distances are in centimeters per Unreal's default data type
All rotations / angular values are in the order of roll, pitch, yaw in degrees
x,y,z is forward, right, up
Additional observation data can be exposed without compiling C++ or Blueprints by accessing the Unreal API with UnrealEnginePython.
Agents are automatically graded via Botleague
100GB (8.2 hours of driving) of camera, depth, steering, throttle, and brake of an 'oracle' path following agent. We rotate between three different cameras: normal, wide, and semi-truck - with random camera intrisic/extrinsic perturbations at the beginning of each episode (lap). This boosted performance on the benchmark by 3x. We also use DAgger to collect course correction data as in previous versions of Deepdrive.
Get the AWS CLI
Ensure you have 104GB of free space
Download our dataset of mixed Windows (Unreal PIE + Unreal packaged) and Linux + variable camera and corrective action recordings
(generated with
)or for the legacy HDF5 files for training AlexNet
If you'd like to check out our Tensorboard training session, you can download the 1GB tfevents files here, unzip, and run
and checkout this view , which graphs wall time.
Frame rate issues on Linux
If you experience low frame rates on Linux, you may need to install NVIDIA’s display drivers including their OpenGL drivers. We recommend installing these with CUDA which bundles the version you will need to run the baseline agent. Also, make sure to plugin your laptop. If CUDA is installed, skip to testing OpenGL.
Tensorflow install tips
Make sure to install the CUDA / cuDNN major and minor version the Tensorflow instructions specify. i.e. CUDA 9.0 / cuDNN 7.3 for Tensorflow 1.12.0. These will likely be older than the latest version NVIDIA offers. You can see all CUDA releases here.
Use the packaged install, i.e. deb[local] on Ubuntu, referred to in this guide
If you are feeling dangerous and use the runfile method, be sure to follow NVIDIA’s instructions on how to disable the Nouveau drivers if you're on Ubuntu.
On Windows, use standard (non-CUDA packaged) display drivers which meet the min required. When installing CUDA, do a custom install and uncheck the display driver install.
glxinfo | grep OpenGL
should return something like:
You may need to disable secure boot in your BIOS in order for NVIDIA’s OpenGL and tools like nvidia-smi to work. This is not Deepdrive specific, but rather a general requirement of Ubuntu’s NVIDIA drivers.
To run tests in PyCharm, go to File | Settings | Tools | Python Integrated Tools and change the default test runner to pytest
Also, disable SciView per this answer.
Last updated
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